Dental technology is constantly developing methods and procedures that make dental visits a more pleasant experience for patients. This evolution is beneficial to all patients, including children and especially to the millions of people who fear dental visits.
The Dental Laser is a device which can contour both tooth structure and gum tissue using a controlled laser beam and water spray.
How does this benefit you? It helps you to relax and increases your comfort.
• The laser is virtually pain free.
• The laser produces no vibrations and no drilling noise.
• Anesthetic is generally not required. The pulse duration of the laser is so short that the reaction threshold of the nerves is not reached.
• Patients heal more quickly from laser treatment than from traditional methods, which means less discomfort after procedures.
• It cleans teeth safely, conveniently and effectively. The built-in autopilot provides continuous feed back so the laser is only used as much as necessary and as little as possible, only when there is tooth decay.
• The dental laser often replaces the need for the "drill" or anesthesia.
• Patients leave our office without the annoying numb feeling.